
Lucy Birth Story- written by her mom Morgan

“June 15th was a normal morning, Gabe made us pancakes for breakfast and after we started to pick up the house since my Doula /birth photographer was coming over to meet us for the first time.

She came over and we had a wonderful visit with her!

Nap time came around for the kids so we laid them down and Gabe and I decided to take a nap together. I fell asleep for probably about 15 minutes and woke up because I was feeling a little crampy so I decided to time them. They were 3-4 minutes apart and lasting 45 seconds. I continued to lay in bed to try to relax. Little while later the kids woke up. We gave them lunch and went outside to play. While outside I noticed they were getting a little more consistent and now are in my back.

We had a graduation party to go to that day and I was debating on going because I wasn’t sure if I was in true labor or not but we decided to go even though it was an hour away, I timed them again on the drive home and they were 4-5 mins apart so I went ahead and texted my doula what was happening.

Our garden very badly needed to be weeded and Gabes Aunt offered to come over and help, her and I weeded the garden for probably 2 hours.

We put the kids to bed and we decided to pick up the house because if this was real labor that I wanted to make sure the house was clean. It was now 11pm and contractions were still very noticeable so I decided to do the mile circuit to get her in the best position for labor. Gabe said he was going to bed as I was finishing the mile circuit. Around 12am I laid down to try to sleep. I slept for about an hour and woke up to a strong contraction. I woke up Gabe and told him I was debating on calling my midwife and doula because I was worried this wasn’t real labor and I didn’t want to waste their time. Around 1:50am I decided to call them and tell them contractions have picked up. They asked I was ready for them to come and I said no I don’t think I’m there in labor yet.

It’s now 2:55am and they were getting stronger and more uncomfortable so I called and said they could start heading this way since they are a hour away. I started to get a little nervous with how strong they started to get, and no one was here.

3:50am my doula got here and she recommended laboring on the birth ball while Gabe put pressure on my back. She asked Gabe if the birth pool was ready. Which it was not! She then switched with Gabe while he went to blow up the birth pool. It’s now 4:20am and I went to lay on our bed to try to get comfortable since I was starting to fell pressure low.

My midwife and her assistant arrived at 4:25am I told her I was feeling pressure and wanted her to check to see where I was. She started to get things ready on the bed and my doula recommended I try to go to the bathroom. I noticed I was having my bloody show! I got over to my bed and tried to stand but no longer could since I could feel so much pressure, I sat on the bed and my midwife looked and said my water was about to pop and then it did and shortly after she was crowning! My body started to push her out itself and then I started to push. Her head was out, my midwife noticed her umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck so she encouraged I pushed her out fully. One more big push and she was here! Gabe was able to help set her on my chest. She was born at 4:38am!

This birth truly was the best experience, I got to labor in my own home and was hardly in any pain just was uncomfortable. The older two kids slept through it all and got to wake up that morning and meet their baby sister! I didn't get my water birth but it couldn’t have gone any better!

Took me two months to write it out but I wanted to make sure to remember this day forever, our daughter born at home”


When to hire a doula?

